Flight Review Request

Use the form below to request to be contacted for a Flight Review from one of our Transport Canada authorized flight reviewers. We will email you a response within 24 hours and arrange a date, time and location that is convenient.

Flight reviews are normally done at our head office in Dundas, Ont. (within YHM class D airspace) but we can attend any suitable location within 90 minutes of Hamilton. If you have your own small RPAS please indicate on the form, otherwise we can rent you a drone for a nominal fee. Plan for about one hour from the time you arrive until the time your review is completed.

Flight Review Fee: $225 + HST | DJI Air 2S Rental Fee: $50 + HST

Flight Review Request

* indicates required
We will contact you to arrange date/time within 24 hours
Where do you want to do your flight review?
Do you have your own sRPAS (250g – 25kg)?
Small Advanced Exam Completed? *
You must have completed your Small Advanced Exam
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